NDIS Pricing and Charges

Home NDIS Pricing and Charges

Fees and Charges 

See updates at the bottom of the page. The prices are current at 16.05.2022 


Fees and Charges vary according to the day and time of service.

Structure of Fees and Charges – Homecare Services:

Services available:

24hours, 7days a Week, 365 days a Year.

Ordinary service hours:

6.00am to 8.00pm Monday to Friday

After hour services:

8.00pm to 6.00am Monday to Sunday

Public holidays:

New Years Day

Australia Day

Good Friday

Easter Saturday

Easter Monday

Anzac Day

Queens Birthday

October Labour Day

Christmas Day

Boxing Day

*Any applicable local public holiday.

Service Duration:

Minimum of a 3 hour service.


A per kilometre rate of 1 AUD is charged when using 8848 Disability Services Support Worker motor vehicles within the duration of client services for participant purposes.


Where the service is cancelled after 5:00pm the day before the rostered service, a fee of 100% of the requested support will apply.

Higher Intensity Supports:

No extra charges apply, standard rates are charged.


Fees and Charges are reviewed quarterly and are in line or better than NDIS pricing arrangements


24 hour Respite Care, Live-in Carer and 10+ hour supports.

Establishment Fee:

An Establishment fee may be deducted from your plan in line with NDIS rules. See information below

Fees and Charges:

Support Item

Hourly Rate

With TTP 

Time frame

Support Item Reference Number

Assistance with Self Care Activities – Standard – Weekday – Daytime





Assistance with Self Care Activities – Standard – Weekday – Evening





Assistance with Self Care Activities – Standard – Saturday





Assistance with Self Care Activities – Standard – Sunday





Assistance with Self Care Activities – Standard – Public Holiday





Assistance with Self Care – Night Time – Sleepover


$242.53(TTP not applicable)

Entire period of 10pm-6am – Weekdays


Assistance with Self Care – Standard – Active Overnight



Hourly between 10pm – 6am – Weekdays


Access Community, Social And Rec Activities – Standard – Weekday Daytime





Access Community, Social And Rec Activities – Standard – Weekday Evening





Access Community, Social And Rec Activities – Standard – Saturday





Access Community, Social And Rec Activities – Standard – Sunday





Access Community, Social And Rec Activities – Standard – Public Holiday





Assistance With Personal Domestic Activities


$51.09 (TTP not applicable)



House Cleaning and Other Household Activities 


$50.20(TTP npt applicable)






24 Hour Respite Care, Live-in Carer and 10+ hour supports-Please call for an obligation free quote.

Kilometres incurred by the Direct Support Worker whilst providing supports for the participant will be charged at 0.85c per kilometre and be invoiced directly to the participants plan as long as the plan has “Participation In Community, Social and Civic Activities” as part of their Core Supports.If line item 02_051_0108_1_1 is built into the Participants plan and funding is available this may also be used to fund certain transport costs. Other costs incurred by Support Workers to be invoiced directly to the Participants plan are but not limited to: Tolls, Parking Fees, Public Transport Tickets, event entry costs

Establishment fee for personal care/community access

This fee applies to all NDIS participants on commencement of the first service agreement with a service provider where they receive at least 20 hours of personal care/community access support per month. This payment is to cover non-ongoing costs for providers establishing arrangements and assisting participants in implementing their plan. The establishment fee is claimable by the provider who assists the participant with the implementation of their NDIS Plan, delivers a minimum of 20 hours per month of personal care/community access support and has made an agreement with the participant to supply these services.

The establishment fee will operate as follows:

  • Providers can charge $571.00 against a plan if assisting a participant new to the provider.

Pricing updates – announced 1 April 2022

Changes and extensions to the participant COVID-19 vaccination enablement payments for providers

From 1 April 2022, providers in the following registration groups can claim $75 per participant per COVID-19 dose when they support a participant to receive their vaccinations:

  • 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
  • 0106 Assistance in Coordinating or Managing Life Stages, Transitions And Supports
  • 0107 Daily Personal Activities
  • 0115 Assistance with Daily Life Tasks in a Group or Shared Living Arrangement
  • 0125 Participation in Community, Social and Civic Activities
  • 0127 Management of Funding for Supports in Participants’ Plans
  • 0133 Specialised Supported Employment
  • 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities

COVID-19 vaccinations eligible for this support include the primary vaccination dose, as well as any booster vaccination dosages.

Providers can claim the $75 payment per participant per vaccination dosage delivered between 1 April and 31 August 2022.

Providers have 28 calendar days after 31 August 2022 to claim for this support.

This support replaces the following previous temporary supports:

  • $150 to assist a participant to receive their primary doses of the COVID-19 vaccination
  • $75 to assist a participant to receive their booster doses.

Rapid antigen test (RAT) expansion for support workers

RAT claims for support workers has been extended until 31 August 2022.

This support was originally scheduled to end on 30 April 2022.

Learn more about these temporary COVID-19 supports:

Pricing updates – announced 30 March 2022

The NDIA has published an updated Pricing Arrangements for SDA 2021-22 and SDA Price Calculator 2021-22.

Maximum reasonable rent contribution (MRRC) and maximum board

Maximum rent contribution and maximum board amounts have been updated to reflect the increases to the Disability Support Pension.

Effective from 20 March 2022, the fortnightly maximum reasonable rent contribution has increased:

  • to $389.18 for a single person (an increase of $8.03)
  • to $252.15 for each member of a couple (an increase of $5.17).

Effective from 20 March 2022, the fortnightly maximum board contribution has increased:

  • to $464.50 for a single person (an increase of $9.30)
  • to $350.10 for each member of a couple (an increase of $7.00).

Providers must honour existing service agreements with participants and ensure they are compliant with Appendix H – SDA Terms of Business from the Pricing Arrangements for SDA 2021-22.

SDA multi-design category dwellings

The Pricing Arrangements for SDA 2021-22 now includes information on SDA multi-design category dwellings, and how they are priced.

The pricing for an SDA dwelling with multiple design categories reflects a maximum price per participant, for each design category.

We price individual bedrooms separately and take into account the total number of residents/bedrooms in the dwelling.

For example, in a group home of 4 residents (each with their own bedrooms), where two bedrooms meet the High Physical Support design category and two bedrooms meet the Improved Liveability design standard:

  • the two Improved Liveability bedrooms are each eligible for the per participant, Group Home, 4 resident, Improved Liveability price; and,
  • the two High Physical Support bedrooms are each eligible for the per participant, Group Home, 4 resident, High Physical Support price.

If an SDA provider has enrolled a multi-design category dwelling that includes Robust category bedrooms and a breakout room, then the additional price for the breakout room is added to the base price of the per participant price for each bedroom of the Robust design category only.

Please check the Pricing Arrangements for SDA for full pricing conditions for multi-design category dwellings.

Pricing updates – announced 1 March 2022

Meal preparation and delivery – ongoing flexibility in our guidelines

Effective 1 March 2022, NDIS participants who usually have a support worker help them prepare meals at home or help with grocery shopping, can flexibly  use these funds to pay for prepared meals  and delivery support in certain circumstances.

This was made clear in our guidelines for Nutrition Supports including meal preparation published on 28 February 2022.

A new support item has been added to the pricing arrangements 01_023_0120_1_1: Assistance with the cost of preparation and delivery of meals.

Providers will no longer need to submit quotes for meal preparation and delivery supports included  in new plans from 1 March 2022, however a participant must have this support included in their plan for a provider to be able to claim. This does not impact existing plans.

Mid cost assistive technology (AT)

New support items for AT have been included in the support catalogue to support the changes that expand mid cost AT to cover AT valued between $1,500 and $15,000 and changes to quote arrangements. Learn more.

Rapid antigen test (RAT) expansion for support workers

RAT claims for eligible supported independent living (SIL) providers has been extended until 30 April 2022. This support was originally ending on 28 February 2022.

Pricing updates – announced 8 February 2022

Booster vaccination payments for disability support workers

Effective 1 January to 30 June, providers in the following registration groups can claim $100 per worker to receive a booster vaccination:

  • 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
  • 0107 Daily Personal Activities
  • 0115 Assistance with Daily Life Tasks in a Group or Shared Living Arrangement
  • 0125 Participation in Community, Social and Civic Activities

Rapid antigen test (RAT) expansion for support workers

RAT claims for support workers has been extended until 28 February 2022. This support was originally ending on 31 January 2022.

Direct claiming for additional SIL supports between 11 January and before 7 February 2022

Additional SIL supports delivered between 11 January and before 7 February can be claimed through the direct claiming process using the bulk payment request template.

Providers should use a claim date of 7 February to ensure a successful claim.

Direct claiming for additional SIL supports that include a date before 7 February will not be processed.

Learn more about these temporary COVID-19 supports:

Pricing updates – announced 17 January 2022

Expansion of COVID-19 vaccination and booster enablement payments for providers

From 17 January 2022, providers in the following registration groups can claim the COVID vaccine and booster enablement payments if they support a participant to receive their vaccinations:

  • 0133 Specialised Supported Employment
  • 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities

Providers must claim for the payments within the following dates:

  • $150 COVID-19 vaccination payment by 31 March 2022
  • $75 COVID-19 booster vaccination payment by 30 June 2022.

Learn more about this temporary COVID-19 support:

Pricing updates – announced 13 January 2022

Expansion of temporary COVID-19 arrangements for meal preparation and delivery supports

From 12 January 2022 to 28 February 2022, NDIS participants with Core funding for support worker hours to help with meal preparation or shopping can now flexibly use their Core supports budget to pay an external provider for meal preparation and delivery, instead of paying a support worker to assist them with these tasks at home.

This arrangement is available across all states and territories.

Check the COVID Addendum for all COVID-19 support claiming conditions including the dates that this temporary supports are claimable.

Learn more about this temporary COVID-19 support:

Direct claiming for SIL cleaning services and additional SIL supports

From 7 February 2022, providers can directly claim for cleaning services and additional SIL supports for participants with additional needs because they are directed to self-isolate or quarantine from the relevant state/territory government or Australian Government due to COVID-19.

The 2 support items are:

  • up to $300 for one-off deep-cleaning services when they are required as a result of COVID-19
  • up to $1200 per participant, per day for additional supports if you are required to self-isolate as a result of COVID-19.

Information about how to directly claim for these supports through the bulk payment request template will be emailed directly to SIL providers.

Learn more about this temporary COVID-19 support:

Direct claiming for support worker-related COVID diagnosis

From 7 February 2022, if a support worker attends a participant’s home who later tests positive to COVID-19, providers can claim up to $300 per professional deep clean directly from the NDIA.

Any professional deep cleans that happen before 7 February 2022, can be paid for from the participant’s plan.


source : https://www.ndis.gov.au/providers/pricing-arrangements/pricing-updates